Final Fantasy XV main characters detailed

Noctis Lucis Caelum
JP: ノクティス・ルシス・チェラム
CV: Tatsuhisa Suzuki

The Prince of the Lucis Kingdom with eyes that can sense people’s death. Noctis is a free-spirited guy whose friends call him “Noct.”

Gladiolus Amicitia
JP: グラディオラス・アミシティア
CV: Kenta Miyake

The first-born child of a distinguished family protecting the royal family for generations. He is Noctis’ best friend and like a brother to him.

Ignis Stupeo Scientia
JP: イグニス・ストゥペオ・スキエンティア
CV: Mamoru Miyano

Noctis’ childhood friend raised as an educated staff officer. He is Noctis’ confidential / trustworthy adviser.

Prompto Argentum
JP: プロンプト・アージェンタム
CV: Tetsuya Kakihara

A bad influence and friend from Noctis’ student days. He tends to push his luck, but does wants to help his friends? He boasts a courageous exterior.

Cole Leones
JP: コル・リオニス
CV: Hiroki Touchi

One of the top three commanding officers of the elite imperial guards. He is strict with Noctis and his friends, but is an honorable and righteous man who has sworn his allegiance to the king and country.

Note: The official English surnames of Prompto, Ignis, and Gladiolus, and first and surnames of Cole are not confirmed. Published above are romanizations based on the Latin words that sound closest to their reading.